This is perhaps the largest question in the mind of the new believer, and this page is simply to give some tips. They in no way save the individual, nor do they have to be done in order. Some are commands in God's Word, others are just very good ideas. They will help a new believer to grow in his new, personal relationship with Jesus Christ our Saviour.
- Get an Authorized King James Version Bible (KJV) and start reading it.
- Bibles are sold at bookstores (both secular and Christian), online, and at major retail stores such as Walmart and Target. You will probably get people trying to convice you to get a version other than the KJV for "readability." However, these other versions are not as accurate as the King James Version and should be avoided (for more info, contact Pensacola Christian College).
A Bible will do you no good if you don't read it! This is God's
love letter and instruction book to believers. He speaks to us
through it, and we need to be listening. Also, start praying
every day. Praying is simply talking to God, bringing requests,
asking His forgiveness, and praising Him for what He has done in
your life. There are no pre-set words required or even desired by
God. He wants your heart and spirit to pour out to Him
constantly (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
- Find a Bible preaching church, get baptized, and get involved.
- Find a fundamental, Bible-believing, independent Baptist church. They are the closest to the Scriptures in doctrine and will be most willing to help you in your new walk with God. Try to avoid "contemporary" churches as they often focus on show instead of individual growth. However, not matter what church you attend, compare what the preacher says to the Word of God. Preachers are human, and any human can make a mistake, while God cannot.
- Get baptized. This should be done by immersion and is a command by God (for more information about baptism, see the baptism heading on the FAQ Page by using the link at the top of the page or ask your pastor).
Ask your pastor for more guidance on how to get involved in the
church and how to best start serving God. He will be thrilled to
get more help in the church.
- Start telling others!
- Start telling others about what He has done for you so they can go to heaven to! He has given us an awesome responsibility to go a tell the world (Matthew 28:19-20).
© Marc Skwarczynski 2011
All quotations are from the Authorized King James Version (KJV).
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